Today We Rebel

In a certain year, I was coached by Pa. He coached me in several subjects including the English language. While coaching me for the external examinations in English, he focused more on article and letter writing. However, I detested writing articles. After a topnotch preparation, I went in for the exam. I steadied myself as I read through the English essay questions which were a repetition of some previous years. I carefully noted my points for each paragraph for the letter and article writing as I had been taught. I was ready... Boom! Of a sudden, my eyes flashed downwards to the last question which asked me to narrate a story. My joy knew no bounds because once a storyteller, forever, a storyteller. I happily narrated the story using myself as the persona and submitted. On getting home, I narrated to Ma how my exam went. She picked up the question paper and inquired, " Which did you answer - article or letter writing ?" I answered almost immediately and sai...