Today We Rebel

In a certain year, I was coached by Pa.
He coached me in several subjects including the English language.

While coaching me for the external examinations in English, he focused more on article and letter writing.
However, I detested writing articles.

After a topnotch preparation, I went in for the exam. I steadied myself as I read through the English essay questions which were a repetition of some previous years. I carefully noted my points for each paragraph for the letter and article writing as I had been taught.
I was ready...

Of a sudden, my eyes flashed downwards to the last question which asked me to narrate a story. My joy knew no bounds because once a storyteller, forever, a storyteller.
I happily narrated the story using myself as the persona and submitted.

On getting home, I narrated to Ma how my exam went. She picked up the question paper and inquired, "Which did you answer - article or letter writing?"
I answered almost immediately and said "none". I further told her I narrated a story. She frowned because her husband had sacrificed so much time coaching me for something "more content worthy".

Eventually, Pa returned. He inquired of me and I answered. My answer sent him to get a grip of the couch. Quietly, he spoke on how much marks a letter or an article would have fetched in contrast to my story.


I'm reminded of a man who had to rebel against his people. Gideon, knowing his people, chose a time appropriate to carry out an assignment.

Occasions arise that warrants us to stand up. Our warring techniques differ, so do we.
We all rebel against something. It could be new rules, norms, religion, people...but we have to be wise in choosing our war tactics.

God's grace abounds towards all, including rebels.

I implore us to choose wisely when the time for battle arises.

Additionally, no battle is won outside of Christ.

Song Suggestion:
Rebel Heart by Lauren Daigle

Until I reemerge from under the rock,
Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. The world has had enough of conformists, only rebels can bring about a change. Choose indeed wisely the side you want to stand for. Kudos!


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