
Welcome to the 8th month of the year.
God has been faithful, hasn't he?

A pleasant day it is, yeah?

The importance of instructions cannot be overemphasized.

Instructions must be harkened to if you want go far in life.
These instructions come from parents and people we look up to.

A story is told of Jesus healing a blind man who had suffered from an eye defect. (Mark 8:22-26)
After Christ had healed him, his parting instruction was 'return not to the village'.
Such a remark following a miracle leaves much to be considered. 

I began wondering if his ailment was induced by persons in his hometown.

That simple instruction carried weight.

I began pondering and came to this;
Where has Christ instructed you not to return to?

Can we cast an introspective searchlight into our lives and see what God has been speaking?

Wish you many more days of walking on sunshine.

Song suggestion
Even when it hurts by Hillsong.

You rock!

For the Royal Rubies.


  1. May we be wise to follow every instruction He gives, for in them we will find life.

    1. Amen.
      Thank you for taking out time to read.

  2. Thanks for sharing dear. Always a blessing to read.

  3. Hmmmmm....deep words.
    Don't get too attached that you cannot walk away.


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