
Hi there☺, I hope this meets you in sound health? Hope you still remember to daze the earth with your radiant smile? 😊 Kindly indulge me briefly as today's focus is unveiled. Shall we begin with this question: How do you cope with semblances😶? Have you ever found it difficult to distinguish between identical twins? Well in our house, whenever we happen to venture out, it is not uncommon to be addressed by your sibling's name. The reason is simple, it is said that we have an uncanny semblance...well, I like to believe the validity of this statement to an extent...🤗 Reading through the story of Joseph in Genesis 42-45, I couldn't help but wonder how much they couldn't recognize at first glance. If they were half brothers or family, they must have lived together for some time and it is only expected that they'd digest his looks, well, except he grew out his beards.😂 The message today is simply a question, When people stare at you (with or without beards/makeover), ...