Prophets or Not

Top of the morning to you. Happy new week! I trust you've been graceful. Please indulge me for a moment while I unravel today's message. Hearing a message for yourself has its relevance. The importance of hearing God for ourselves and by ourselves cannot be overstressed. There is an aura that resonates with hearing a message for yourself. When a contradictory message arises you know how to nip it in the bud. There is an indescribable satisfaction derived from such firsthand encounters. Recently, a lady close to me received a word from a prophet. This shattered her composure and sent her questioning virtually everyone around her. Offering a listening ear, I had to inquire if she had heard from Her Maker and her answer was in the affirmative. I began wondering why she was so disturbed when she had been given a message directly. I'm not against visiting of prophets but rather, how about hearing God for yourself and by yourself? While I think prophets can still bring word tod...