
Hi there☺, I hope this meets you in sound health? Hope you still remember to daze the earth with your radiant smile? 😊 Kindly indulge me briefly as today's focus is unveiled. Sometime last year, my hair suffered growth issues. While I was unable to find any lasting solution, I did what anyone else would do. I did the great chop While this trimming was occurring, I kept inquiring of the saloonist if my decision would facilitate new and healthy growth. I did well to also consult several hair specialists, online and physically. For every saloon I stopped in, I inquired what could make the hair grow back rapidly. Virtually all of them proferred the use of oils. One of the oils that kept reoccurring was Castor oil. I searched the perimeter and didn't find it. The day I eventually found it, my heart was pleased. 😄 Don't ask if the oil has facilitated hair growth. Rather ask if I have been constant in its usage.🤠•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°• The importance of oils cannot be o...