Is No Synonymous to Rejection? Part 2
Hello there, howdy been? How is the weather at your end? Last week on the blog, Rejections part 1 , we established that rejections prepare us to be better as well as provide clarity. Join us today as we conclude. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There has to be balance. I do not always take No for an answer. About a few weeks ago, I got rejected yet again for an application, but that rejection did not sit well with me so I sent them another email stating my demands. I was not willing to take their alternative because it was contrary to what God told me. After that email, Abba said I should sleep and I did. When I woke up, I had received what I requested. So, you see. Sometimes the first no is not always the end but you can only know when you discern. I learned to ask Abba. If this isn...