Fear Not

"The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!” —Joyce Meyer

The dark night slowly emerged, shadows stealthily walked in. The shadows seemed to dance with the sparkling stars. The moon stood still observing her frail form beneath. Her fears gave way. The trees suddenly shuddered in fright and the air became tense.
Several unpleasant images conjured in her mind. A growing incertitude plagued her heart. What if he came tonight? Will he swallow me or salute in reverence?
She banged the door but no answer came. She buzzed the intercom impatiently but received silence.

The leaves rustled and she knew the hour had come. The heavy leather boots plunked the ground and shook.
"Flee!" Her heart told her.
Her feet failed so she stood, waiting and waiting for "its" arrival.
The footsteps drew closer and her feet finally obeyed the gentle nudges from the heart. She fled, leaving it all behind. Her golden tresses danced in the moonlight.
Pausing to hear if she'd been followed, she thought her ears heard silence so she collapsed.
In a twinkle of an eye, the atmosphere surged and she knew her companion had surfaced. She stood up and came face to face with his hazel eyes and her fears abated.
His eyes held the answer: He wasn't the enemy.

The enemy lurked in the shadows hatching fires under his breath. The bait had been set in motion. For the right opportunity he now waited.

We need not fear when we have the Master within to abate the storm.
PSALMS 91:4(AMP) says,
"He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, And under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall."

When fear causes hope to fade, flee to God, the refuge you can reach on your knees.

Song suggestion: 
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman

Kind regards.
Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such a complete package for my quiet time. Thanks

  3. This is gorgeous and encouraging. It's only gotten better 🤗

  4. Poetic Ministration!... Crave Depths Lil One..Stealthily your reward will come if you do not tire out.

  5. Very deep. If at all I run, I should be running to help.

  6. I felt the suspense, I heard the message. I feel you ma. Thanks.


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