
The fat we so feared, has finally consumed us.

We deprived our bodies of our beauty sleep so we jogged tirelessly. We signed up for several fat-burning exercises.
We drank different varieties of homemade and industrial concoctions in the name of slimming tea.
We said an emphatic NO to continental dishes that assaulted not just our eyes but also our taste buds.
We shut our tummies from the desperate cravings for chocolate and red velvet cakes. We violently opposed the existence of mirrors. We fled and sidestepped the weighing scale.
We succeeded in starving our bodies of vital nutrients in a bid to be perfect.

We've lived like lions trapped in a cage. We ought to live life.

Well, the good news is that the time has come to shed our inhibitions.

The snake is unafraid to shed its skin. It does this shedding regularly to enable growth and to eliminate parasites that may have attached to its old skin. If a snake fails to shed, it dies!

What fat has consumed us? How often do we shed our skins?
Remember, it is imperative we grow.

We're so guilty of attaching ourselves to countless parasitic humans at our own detriment. When we fail to detach, we tend to lose our touch.
Never has it been a law that we can't break free.

Live long and prosper.
Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. Replies
    1. Babe, it's over necessary.
      Thanks for reading.💗

  2. Growth is unnegotiable, too! Attagirl!

  3. I've been unconsciously "shedding" but I'm not so independent of the vitals for life. Growth is a choice either way you see it. You shed to grow. So choose wisely. Beautiful piece Faith.

  4. Yea Shedding is always needed, more ink to ur pen girl

  5. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
    I'm shedding o. Both physically and spiritually 😂😂😂
    Great as norm❤️❤️

  6. Great stuff girl... Keep it up 💓

  7. Still shedding. Get stuff Obrerhor


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