Labelled a Tiger

And sometimes,
Our scars are emblazoned,
For they need to be reference points.

"Mummy, look! She's got the stripes of a tiger etched on her skin. Can she possibly pass for a tigress?"
Jake's mum looked up puzzled and mystified. She mouthed I'm sorry to me. She was visibly shocked at her Son's rude utterance.
Responding to her charge, she said, "Dear Jake, she's a normal human."
Politely, I smiled at Jake's mum as though it were no problem.

My heart sought to speak the language of freedom.
My mind refused to be sober.
Tears tickled my eyes and I knew I couldn't let out, at least not just yet.

Gathering every ounce of respect left in her, she walked to me and spoke softly, " I'm sorry ma. Please forgive my son's crude joke. He had asked me to take him to the zoo so he could see wild animals, but somehow, I failed to create time for that". I smiled deficiently and told her, "It's OK. At least, he voiced it out unlike those who stifled them under their throats."
Her eyes held a longing and she asked if we could meet again. My mind didn't want another insult so it began refuting until she said, it was Jake's idea.
I couldn't help but give in.

On getting home, I refused to discuss the events of my day with my bestie.

The meeting had been set for the following day.
I was ushered into their apartment and not long after, Jake was before me on his knees apologising for his utterance. I hugged him and commended his cleverness.

Soon after, his mum sat with me and explained why she normally adorned herself in long beautiful dresses. As expected, she said she tried to cover her scars, for she considered them, "an embarrassment".

She smiled with her eyes and said, "I love the way you wear your scars. You make it known and it doesn't define you."


How do we cope when we are called certain names? What's our first line of action?
Do we really know what our scars stand for?
How easily do we let go?

Several things try to gnaw their way through our confines.
Healing however, takes time.

I know a man whose scars gave me life.

Let the Healer reach into your scars.

You deserve to be whole.

Health and happiness,
Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. So beautifully written!

    Well done!

  2. "I know a man whose scars gave me life" I love that.
    I hope mine would someday be referred to in such similitude. Tres merci.


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