
A pleasant afternoon to you.
How do you do?

On today's post, knowledge is said to be appealing. Here's why...

Sound knowledge is a venture not everyone is willing to invest in.

Knowledge, they say is power, but what are you willing to pay for its acquisition? Everyone, or rather, majority of folks love to be associated with individuals who are vast and deep versed. However, we fail to make enquiries as to how such a feat was acquired. We would rather appreciate the outcome, than emulate the means.

Recently, I confided in a friend my inability to prepare 'starch', a native meal of my motherland. He did well to remind me of the wealth of knowledge embedded in Google. Shamefacedly, I promised myself to look up the recipe for the meal. Don't ask if I have looked it up.

How many opportunities to accumulate knowledge have we passed up? Or just when would you realize how powerful a person with knowledge, is?

The means of acquiring knowledge is a process very few find appealing. And each day we do not add valuable content to our lives, we remain dormant.

Proverbs is a book of the Bible laden with lots of engaging topics on knowledge. It extols the beauty of knowledge, and passionately calls for its application. Wisdom is practical utilization of Knowledge.
The Holy Bible in Proverbs 2 verse 3 says "Yes, beg for knowledge, plead for insight."
It further states that to get knowledge, reverence for the Lord comes first.

Knowledge, they say, is sexy .

Settle not on residual knowledge,
Be open. Learn, unlearn and relearn.

Let me in on your thoughts in the comment section.
Do well to share.

Until next time, may you find the acquisition of knowledge attractive. And I pray you do well to apply where required.

May the Lord reward your pursuit of true knowledge.

For the Royal Rubies.


  1. Apt!
    One of the best things anybody will see anywhere today...
    I love this...

  2. My God! You swept me off my feet.

    1. Ola! May God lift you up. Thanks for reading.

  3. Thanks for this gentle reminder. Knowlege and its application is what adds value to a man and that value makes men pay for your time and services rendered.

  4. Knowledge really is Power
    Well done👍🏽

  5. Thanks for this . I really love this

  6. I'm just here for the recipe for starch😜

    Nice piece.

    1. Hahaha, I'd do well to refer you to google for the recipe.

      Thanks for reading.

  7. A personal reminder for me. How often I admire knowledge and how little I seek it.


    1. May we keep finding knowledge and its acquisition, attractive.
      Thanks for reading.

  8. May we always be on continuous pursuit for Knowledge.


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