
Having a good day, dear ones?
I crave your indulgence as I introduce today's message.

Growing up in the 90's afforded me the opportunity of listening to a great variety of music.
Birthday parties, school parties and almost every occasion was agog with peculiar genres of music which we danced to.
However, over time some of these legends either passed on or fizzled out and didn't find music marketable enough, thereby handing the reins to the younger artistes who littered virtually every city.

Likewise, I faintly recall using coins as a medium of exchange. What became of this metal piece is still unbeknownst to me.
Whilst growing up, I was told 5 naira used to be someone's paycheck. Well, several events have altered the economy of our country . . . and now, 10 naira is almost nonexistent in the market.

Industries spring up on the regular with arrays of flavours. And melodious jingles are made to extol yet another condiment with promises to titillate not just the nostrils, but also taste buds. However, none has yet appeared to outdo salt.
Salt makes no noise but surely, it has marked its territory. Plain and bare its grains appear; yet the most invaluable piece of ingredient.

It is no wonder Christ sent us to be salt on this earth? Try cooking a meal without this piece of condiment, then you'd come to comprehension.
In a world where blandness is on the increase, I pray you choose to be the salt that spices up.

And Elisha did get this right. Wonder why it was salt that was demanded to be poured in the water brook?
Well, simply put, salt is a preservative and so are you! Salt is a unique flavour, and so are you. No other seasoning - despite being fanciful and assorted - takes the place of salt.

True relevance can only be found in Christ. The earlier the aforesaid resonates with you, the better.
Your relevance isn't attached to material gain. You are worth more than materialism.

Song suggestion:
Gold by Britt Nicole

Keep fighting the good fight.
For the Royal Rubies


  1. There is a soothing reparable feeling to this. I suddenly want to be relevant afresh.

    1. Thanks for your readership.
      God bless and keep making you relevant.

  2. "I choose to be the salt that spices up, I choose true relevance and truly am worth more than anything less."

    1. Exactly!
      That's the spirit girl.
      God help us to keep being relevant.

  3. I enjoyed this. "Makes no noise..." Hmm

    1. Boss! Keep marking your territory for Christ.

  4. Salt - that silent influencer. Its presence needs no appearance, it is rather a felt personality.

    Beyond words and much talk, may I be the salt in my little corner.

    Thanks dear for this wonderful reminder.

  5. That personality that remains revelant, yet plain, humble. In it is an 'rireplaceable'. Thank you Obrerhor. God bless you

  6. That personality that remains revelant, yet plain, humble. In it is an 'rireplaceable'. Thank you Obrerhor. God bless you

  7. Thanks Sis, salt has no substitute and an invaluable relevance. May God make me one indeed.


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