The Stretched faith

Greetings from here. 👋 

How have you been?😊

It's been a while.

Congratulations to all Chelsea ⚽ fans...🎆 

Shall you join us for another message today? 

Have you gone through tough times that in the long run, stretched your faith?

How did you take it?🙄

The disciples of Jesus kept undergoing things that stretched their faith.

In John 6:5-6 Jesus was moved to feed the people who had followed him.

When Jesus looked out and saw that a large crowd had arrived, he said to Philip, “Where can we buy bread to feed these people?” He said this to stretch Philip’s faith. He already knew what he was going to do. (John 6:5‭-‬6 MSG)

Although Jesus asked the question ‘he already had in mind what he was going to do’ (v.6b). This shows that it is alright to ask questions to which you already know the answer.

Philip answered, “Two hundred silver pieces wouldn’t be enough to buy bread for each person to get a piece.” (John 6:7 MSG)

Philip's response only showed his humanness. 

This was one of the circumstances that surrounded the disciples. Jesus took them through challenges that would require they had a change of heart.

While Jesus trudged the face of this earth, he sought opportunities to stretch the faith of his followers. And you can trust that whenever an opportunity availed itself, he took proper use of it.

Stretching is something God wants to do in life as He stretches us, stretches our faith. What this means is that we need to learn in the spiritual how to be flexible, subtle, and bendable in the hands of the Lord.

When God bends you He’ll not break you. When God stretches you He’ll not snap you. This is what the prophet Isaiah found out and if there was a prophet whom God stretched it was Isaiah.

"A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench.” (Isaiah 42:3 NKJV)

God calls us all to do some faith stretching now and then. Whether we are called to leave our comfort zones to obey and act or to rest and trust God during a difficult season of life, He always rewards great faith with wonderful blessings.

Maybe stepping outside of your comfort zone to obey God seems like too much of a stretch right now. Keep in mind that although it may seem impossible, God will never stretch us beyond what we are capable of in His strength — not ours. And when we are willing never stretch us beyond what we are capable of in His strength — not ours. And when we are willing to be stretched, blessings begin to flow.

To sum it up, as far as we live on this earth and we are followers of Christ, he is going to ask us questions. He is also going to want to see our humanness. Furthermore, He is going to stretch your faith to a large extent.

Are you ready for this experience or would you rather wait?

Can your faith be stretched?

Remember that Faith is like a muscle, it grows by stretching.

Song suggestion: Million little miracles by Maverick City

Till I come your way again, 

✌️ 🙏 💕

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


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