I don't know

Hello 😊. Hope your day has been going beautifully? Welcome to June! 😄 

Where was it ever written that expressing those three words would bring about some whoppings? What is there in voicing out your lack of knowledge?

Let's delve into the world of questions. Shall we?   

I recently had to embark on a trip and I had to engage the services of a barrow chap. He was meant to convey me from the park from which I had just debussed to another park for me to go on with my journey.

Trusting that his chap knew his route around the town, I followed him. The seemingly unending trek led me to inquire of him if he knew my destination.

To my utter shock, this chap having taken me on a needless excursion didn't know where the park was... 😫

My irritation was visible as I inquired why he didn't ask around for directions before successfully exhausting my energy.

But for the timely intervention of an elderly man did we eventually locate the park.


From time to time, we see video skits of people who knowingly or unknowingly choose to disgrace themselves. This singular action constantly leaves me marveling as to why they didn't just confess their lack of knowledge. Who would beat them?

When we seek the counsel of God, He gives us inside information and the edge on every situation we may encounter or find ourselves in. However, how much we inquire or whether we inquire at all is our choice to make. But to inquire of Him is the best way to go if we want to be spiritually successful. It is possible to live a life of victory, satisfaction, and divine favor—a life of miracle—when we inquire of the Lord and follow Him in all we do.

When we look deeply into David’s life and writings, we find an example of how David postured himself before God and how we also are invited to live our lives. We were created and fashioned to succeed in all we do, having been made in the likeness and image of God—who has never and will never fail, because successful is who He is.

NB: Remember that inquiring of God is the most fulfilling quest ever. If you fail to make inquiries from the One who charts your path, you would end up lost in the middle of nowhere.

Love and light, 

❤️ 🔆 

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. "Who would beat them?"

    Inquiring doesn't hurt, it rather fulfills us. May God help us not to get lost because of our failure to 'inquire'🙏🏽


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