
Hiya! 💃

Welcome to the second half of the year.🎉


July brings with it bounties, are you ready to claim it?🎁

Don't be scared to drive a hard bargain, after all, the world is a market!

May today's post bless your heart.

I commute daily to work using public means of transportation. However, before entering any vehicle, I do well to bargain to avoid stories that touch. On some occasions, when the conductors are unsatisfied with my bargain, they drive off 'cause I wouldn't budge or agree to an outrageous sum for a trip. In the same wise, while waiting, other vehicles in dire need of customers, agree to my terms, and boom, off we go.

I like to compare this to how crafty the devil gets when he wants to make a deal. He likes to drive a hard bargain when things seem rosy. A case in point, Mr. Job. (Job 1:6-12.)

See how the devil was green with envy while he patrolled his vicinity. Can you see how prompt he was to clinch the tiny window of opportunity God gave him?

There is the enemy of God, and of all righteousness, who is continually seeking to distress, to lead astray, and, if possible, to destroy those who love God. While we are on this earth we are within his reach. Hence it concerns us to be sober and vigilant, 1Peter 5:8.

Hold on! Fret not!

Remember, the teacher is always silent during the test.

This might just be a test.

As you proceed into this week, beware that the devil will drag a hard bargain over your life.

Please don't fall God's hands.

Song Suggestion: Son of Suffering ft. Jekalyn Carr & Maverick City.

Love and light,

❤️ 💕 🔆 💡 

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


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