Brace for impact

Hiya! Howdy, do? Trust you are fine.

I crave your indulgence a bit.

Sometime in February, I had the flu and had to steam. Having boiled some water for this purpose, I took a bucket to pour it in. Whilst pouring it, the bucket slipped from my grip and let out its whole content on my leg. Too shocked to scream, I stood.

Mum and my sister who were gisting behind me didn't know what happened except that their feet also got some drops of this same hot water. 

I was instructed to sit in the tub with the cold water running over the surface. 

After pap had been smeared on my leg, the question was asked: How did it happen? 😫🀣

However, being dark-skinned, I didn't get to see the impact of the incidence until three weeks later when my skin became dry and began to peel. You can trust I joined in the peeling.


I like to draw a lesson from the above occurrence.

Just like the impact of the incidence that wasn't seen until sometime later, that's how the effects of sin are.

Don't you know sin must not be toyed with as it has its ripple effects?

The sooner we come to terms with the fact that no small nor big sin is condoned in Heaven, the better for us. 

The Devil wants to keep us in unnecessary bondage. Refuse this. He fervently plots your downfall. Each day, the battle line is drawn. Temptation - traps are set all around you. One false step, you are locked in. 

There is yet a solution to your fall. Don't stay down. Turn back to God.

Song suggestionMake it Right feat Dante Bowe, Todd Dulaney, Jekalyn Carr.


Until I re-emerge from under the rock, 

Faith, for the Royal Rubies


  1. Powerful and beautifully scribed!
    Thanks girl, this was a worthy read.

  2. God bless you . More inspirations girl!

  3. It was a wonderful read..... Keep doing what you are doing

  4. Beautifully constructed. God bless you for this as always

  5. This is quite insightful and inspiring. More grace and God bless u.

  6. Can we join you in the cleft of the rock where you abide? ☻


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