
Hiya! 🌝

How are you? 

Did you get today's dose of the sun🔅 rays yet? 

Here's today's post. 

Better to be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato)

Very recently, I had the opportunity to visit a church where the minister shared a story.

He narrated a story of how his uncle was allegedly duped by a prophet. This prophet told his uncle to sell his house and bring the proceeds to him. The uncle obeyed and lived in a rented apartment. When the going got tough for him, he chose to take out from the profit he'd just gained. This prophet called him an "Ananias" for doing that. Out of fear, he repaid the money he'd taken.🤦🏻‍♀️

While this might seem ludicrous, it makes up some real-life experiences. Many are bound to "prophetic" injunctions of prophets.

In this day of scholarly refinement, we are alarmed when we read of individuals who have been exposed to our educational system and yet remain ignorant. We quickly look for someone to blame; the school, the parents, the child. Where does the blame lie?

What about those who remain spiritually ignorant? Where do we place the responsibility? Nothing is accomplished by pointing the finger of blame. 

My mother constantly sings into our ears the need for us to be rooted as there would come a time where knowledge would be rare. 

Even the Bible attests to this: 

“ Oh yes, Judgment Day is coming!” These are the words of my Master God. “I’ll send a famine through the whole country. It won’t be food or water that’s lacking, but my Word. People will drift from one end of the country to the other, roam to the north, wander to the east. They’ll go anywhere, listen to anyone, hoping to hear God’s Word—but they won’t hear it. Amos 8:11‭-‬12 MSG

You might wonder how you would know those who fall for these sort of ploy. People are dying daily who are spiritually ignorant of what God thinks of sin, of what Jesus did on Calvary, and of what salvation will do for a person. What we do - we must do quickly.

Here's a quick question: Who will take the true message to them?

The simple answer is You and me.



For the Royal Rubies.


  1. You write beautifully, we didn't get much sun today!
    And yeah, knowledge is rare!

    1. Thank you for your kind words.
      May knowledge be found attractive.

  2. Very apt.

    For we to take the message, we must know, ourselves.

    1. Certainly! We must know!
      Thanks for your time Sir!

  3. Knowledge is power indeed. More inspiration friend.

  4. Hmmmm. This is such an apt piece. There is need for all of us to be grounded in God's word and have a personal walk with Him.
    Such a blessing!

  5. I was just having a conversation with someone yesterday o about knowing God for yourself. Some people are out there waiting to benefit from the slightest of ignorance especially in this area of spirituality. May God help us

    1. Waiting to benefit from the slightest of spiritual ignorance...🤣
      May God help us indeed.
      Thank you for your time.👏

  6. The days of the Judges are upon us:

    In those days, Israel had no king; and everyone did what seemed right in their eyes.

    Only those under the kingship of Jesus will scale through with wisdom.


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