Why do you go to Church?

 Hi there, how are you? 🌝 Really?πŸ€”

Have the happenings in the world🌎 tainted your radiant smile 😁?

"Those who bet, would go to hell".

Heavy statements like this, make me cringe.

The Church ⛪  is said to be a hospital πŸ₯ . Sick folks come to church for a form of healing.

We all know how difficult habits are, to break. We also know how easy it is to live in a veil.

Some go to church because it's a norm. Others go to hear God's word. Some go in obedience in order not to neglect God's people.

Whatever the reason you find yourself in this place, I bet it's legit.

However, when the message takes a turn to derogative words, I think we should be cautious. 

Everyone knows where it hurts the most.

I dislike Churches where half of the time is spent casting blames and running down the members. I wish you'll instruct men to emulate thorough search of the word. And cease following things that don't last. In as much as it's not completely right to cast blames, it's good for those men to desist from vanity. Vanity is anything that has no eternal value.

Have you tried reaching out to the people you are running down? 

Have you extended a hand of love?

The Bible says, be slow to speak, be slow to anger, be quick to listen. (Cf James 1:19)

Remember that for every word idly spoken, we shall give an account.

What's your reason for fellowshipping?

Until I come your way,

Remember it's so easy to cast a stone while you are seemingly not guilty.

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. Simple yet accurate!
    I wonder how you get inspired, I love it.

  2. The last paragraph sums it all. The quote from C. S. Lewis is a point to consider. More advantageous will it be if this is encouraged in the fold: 'I wish you'll instruct men to emulate thorough search of the word.' A fellow also wonders why followers of a shepherd emulate all other amiable disposition of the shepherd but his knowledge seeking behaviour. Allocating the responsibility to seek knowledge of the Word leaves the fold, most likely, at the mercy of the discretion of the shepherd. Who will help call for order if the flock is ignorant of the guidance made available to the entirety of the church? Thank you for calling our attention to this matter, Obrerhor!

    1. A thorough search of the Word!πŸ‘

      Thanks for reading, W!

  3. This is why i fellowship - to be edified (I John 1:7).πŸ˜‡

    1. Thank you, Chief.

      May we keep finding "fellowship" interesting.


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