Workplace liars

Hello, dears,

How are you? Really? Happy October.πŸŒπŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒ

Did you know the truth is more important than facts? (Frank Lloyd Wright)

So today's topic is rather different from the usual. I pray you to learn something.

 "Thou shalt not lie"

How convenient is it for you to lie? Is your truthfulness dependent on your location? Proverbs 23:23

Very recently at work, a colleague mentioned something in passing to me but failed to inform me that the info was privy. Coincidentally, a superior inquires from me about the same info and I hastily communicated what I had heard.

The colleague who had divulged this "sweet info" to me, of a sudden denied having uttered the statement in question. 

Subsequently, at the close of work, I meet up with this same colleague and all he had were apologies with lame reasons for his earlier actions.

Well, this same scenario plays in different fashions in our everyday lives. We find ourselves in compromising situations that allow us to adjust the simple commandment, 'thou shalt not lie' (cf. Lev. 19:11)

In situations like this, I pray that you choose to do the right.

Remember, we won't continue in sin because His grace toward us doth abound.

Song Suggestion: Lord send revival by Hillsong Young and Free. 

Love, peace, and good health,

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


  1. If it's at the work place, expect much more of LIES. it's easy to tell a lie especially to cover up.

    In the end, everything starts and ends on one's PRINCIPLES.


  2. May God help us to always choose truth, no matter how uneasy it may be

  3. Even if it is to save our skin, it is still called a lieπŸ™‡πŸΎ‍♂️


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