Birthdays : A child of mercy!


A pleasant day it is, ain't it? How has it been at your end? I hope you still remember to smile and cut yourself some slack?

Birthdays are a special time of the year. They remind us that we're growing older, but they also symbolize how far we've come. ... When we celebrate someone's birthday we're not only celebrating the length of their life, but we celebrate how much they've grown in the past year. (Copied)

I recently added a year and to commemorate the celebration, I decided to do a lot of introspection.

I realized I didn't want to celebrate it so, I had a few friends write letters to me. And trust me, a hard girl like me was moved to tears.

Not because I didn't believe the words they penned down but I got to see myself through the lens of others.

As the year was beginning, I wasn't feeling pumped and I was led to read Psalm 136.

And this I found out, "We endure difficult people in our lives. We endure work we don't enjoy. So when I first read the phrases “[love] endures all things” or “His mercy endures forever,” it sounded to me like God puts up with our difficult tendencies and just bears with our faults. He is merely enduring all my things."

What! give God thanks for everything,

Whatever may befall--

Whatever the dark clouds may bring?

Yes, give God thanks for all;

For safe he leads thee, hand in hand,

To thy blessed Fatherland.

What! thank him for the lonely way

He to me hath given--

For the path which, day by day

Seems farther off from heaven?

Yes, thank him, for he holds thy hand

And leads thee to thy Fatherland.

Close, close he shields thee from all harm;

And if the road be steep,

Thou know'st his everlasting arm

In safety doth thee keep,

Although thou canst not understand

The windings to thy Fatherland.

What blessing, thinkest thou, will he,

Who knows the good and ill,

Keep back, if it is good for thee,

While climbing up the hill?

Then trust him, and keep fast his hand,

He leads thee to thy Fatherland.

--B.S., in "The Christian Treasury," 1865

"God's message today is simple: My mercies endure forever but don't make a travesty of it. My mercies are as sure as the dawn."

Song Suggestions : Promises by Maverick City

Not just stories by Maverick City

Ese Gan Ni by Chigozie Wisdom.

Until I come your way again, 

Remember, I'm rooting for you.

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.

🔋 ❤️ 💡


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