The Human Gardener


Happy New Year to you.

I'm optimistic about the new year. I hope you are, also?

In today's post, I pray you learn something.

Sometime last year, the pepper plant in the compound was cut off because of some strange growth.

Soon enough, someone began nursing a new plant. She meticulously prepped and added nutrients to the nursery in a bid for its growth. 

Over time, her efforts yielded a result. She eventually transplanted the pepper to its space. However, one night, an unknown intruder, visited the plant. By the morning, we saw its roots had been dug up. We were all baffled.

Undaunted, she arose again and transplanted yet another pepper. This time, before she slept at night, the plant was covered to be opened at sunup.

Over time, the plant gained stamina and developed. Days spanned into weeks and boom, one day, she decided it was time for it to stand independently. Thankfully, today, the plant stands and its growth is glaring.

The message for today, as you embark on this new year is to remind you that, unlike the human gardener who got fed up with the covering, the heavenly gardener promises to be your buckler to the very end. He won't withdraw his love, care and blessings no matter how many times the intruder tries to shake your roots.

You can rest in his ready arms and know that He is good. 

Breathe deep.

Song Suggestion: Lean Back ft Amanda Cook x Maverick City

Wish you many more days of walking on sunshine, 

Faith, for the Royal Rubies


  1. Thank you. God bless you and grant you more inspiration.

  2. He will forever and always my buckler

  3. Thanks, no matter the enemy"s attempt to dig up my root, He will not leave me in his hands to uproot me from Him. I am secure in Him. More grace and insight IJN.

  4. Welcome back Faithie!

    This is insightful, encouraging, and edifying.

    I like the new layout (the background colour, text, and all)!

    Please, keep up with the song suggestion. I am listening to this very piece because I am seeing it here for the first time.

    Welcome to 2022! Happy new year!

    1. W!
      Many thanks for reading.
      God bless you.
      Happy 2022!

  5. DeepπŸ˜”πŸ˜©
    Thanks for this
    More grace and insight

  6. Glooooooarrrrrryyyyy!!!! We can rest in Him and we will not be shaken.

    Thanks Faith for this beautiful piece


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