Carried by God

Hiya! How are you?

How has it been at your end? Do you still smile?

I have a story but first a question: Do you enjoy being carried? Whose arms are you most comfortable in?

As last week began, I knew the week would be demanding so I did what I knew would yield a great result. I handed my life over to the Highest to be carried by Him. I didn't know how he would carry out my demands but I trusted his readily available strong arms and rested in there.

At dawn each day, I reminded God of some of his promises and went about my day's activities in renewed vigor. As the human that I am, I kept on looking forward to the 'how' he would prove himself. Well, I'm glad that each day had its originality.

As each day unwound, He reminded me of how he kept his promises. It reminded me of how jealous God can be over his own. 

The way and manner in which God carries his own is beautiful. I encourage you to rest boldly in the strongest of arms to carry you through each day, month and year of 2022. Remember, that in his hand, no thread ever frays.

Can you testify that you have seen the Lord's goodness even in ways that you seem to neglect? As for me, I am emptying my life daily at his feet because there exists no one who can send me incredible help.

Song Suggestion: Matt Redman's Never Once

Million Little Miracles Maverick City x Elevation Worship.

Wishing you joyful days in his strong arms, 

Faith, for the Royal Rubies.


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