And the hungry shall He fill...

 3, 2, 1. . . Blast off!

Welcome to the sixth month of the year.

Forgive my delay in reaching out. However, I trust you've been in good health.

In 2 Kings 2, the story is told of sons of the prophets who stood afar off in their place of comfort. They were only eyewitnesses of what was transpiring between Elisha and Elijah.

They were satisfied with watching Elisha move from Gilgal to Bethel to Jordan in a bid to receive from Elijah what he had in store.

It's at this juncture, I'd ask, 

"What is your level of hunger? Does your hunger only allow you to view from afar? Or are you willing to move?"

The fourth beatitude has this: 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.' —Matthew 5:6. 

In this dispensation that we are, we cannot afford to take our fellowship with God with levity. We must not let theoretical talks hinder us from gaining what Heaven has in store for us.

Recall that when there was water pollution (vs 19-22), they did not call the sons of the prophet. They called on Elisha.

The choice is yours. You either choose to view or arise and follow.

There is a blessing for those who arise immediately.

"Grace is easy. Life is hard. So follow Jesus if you must, seek the face of God if you must, but don't be surprised if, after a while, it feels like you've been battling angels in the darkness. Seeking God's face in a fallen world is not the easy life; it's the good life, and a good life is always a life of worthwhile stories and worthwhile struggles."

(Mike Cosper, Recapturing the Wonder: Transcendent Faith in a Disenchanted World)

Song Suggestion: Drink by T.Y. Bello, Folabi Nuel, 121, Selah.

Stay awesome,

Faith, for the Royal Rubies

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