
A Real Quest

Hey there.  Hope your day has been going beautifully. How has the weather been at your end?   Welcome to August! 😄  😁  I'll like to share some thoughts I've gleaned from  Matt 20:29-34 .  How determined are you in your quest for God? Are you oft dissuaded by the negative perspectives of the crowd?  The 2 blind men in the titular passage had a genuine need for Christ's mercy, and nothing would stop them. Their importunity prompted Christ to stand still for them and grant them an audience.  I'd like to parallel the naysaying multitude in that passage with present-day trends, opinions, and perspectives. These opinions may attempt to hinder you actively or passively from focusing your earnest pleas on Jesus. They are so designed to dilute your quest for God. They may come in different ways, but their singular purpose is to cause a deflection in your pursuit.  Emulate the ways of the blind men. They knew that they could be cured only by t...

Is No Synonymous to Rejection? Part 2

Hello there, howdy been?  How is the weather at your end? Last week on the blog,  Rejections part 1 , we established that rejections prepare us to be better as well as provide clarity. Join us today as we conclude.                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   There has to be balance.  I do not always take No for an answer. About a few weeks ago, I got rejected yet again for an application, but that rejection did not sit well with me so I sent them another email stating my demands. I was not willing to take their alternative because it was contrary to what God told me. After that email, Abba said I should sleep and I did. When I woke up, I had received what I requested. So, you see. Sometimes the first no is not always the end but you can only know when you discern. I learned to ask Abba. If this isn...

Is No Synonymous to Rejection? Part 1

Hello there. Welcome to July!  Hope your faith in Christ hasn't waned? I'm rooting for you . I trust God to help us receive this message.                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and then I saw one of my  mentors post a video of his one-year-old daughter who was initially playing with her brother and then in a split second she started poking him.  As soon as her dad noticed, he stopped her saying, ‘don’t poke your baby brother’.   Mira looked at him with a puppy face and then withdrew immediately with tears in her eyes. I passed the post and then the Holy Spirit asked me to go back and view the story again. What I noticed was her initial response was withdrawal simply because she was corrected. Isn’t this h...

The Life You Want

Hi there!  How have you been?  Welcome to a new week. God has been incredible, yeah! As today's theme is presented, take out some time and probe your heart. “…Remember Lot’s wife...” Luke 17:32 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, one thing we all agree on is that the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives involves a daily war against the flesh. In perspective, it is a battle between the life we want and the life God wants. I have found these three words from our LORD as a graceful warning that every believer needs to be wary of. First, let us build the context: The context of this warning comes when Jesus is asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come. In the process of explaining, Jesus makes six points, the latter three give context for the lesson to be learned from Lot’s wife (Luke 17:20-31) The  kingdom is not coming as we anticipate. The kingdom is already here (established by Jesus Himself in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies). There wi...


Hello, Howdy, do? Hope you still remember to inhale and exhale? 😊  Today's post would require a moment of quiet introspection. I have a story but first a question: Are you a true friend of God or a user? I used to have this little girl who loved to be around me, at least that's what I thought because the times she would come to my house, it seemed like she wanted to be with me and to be honest I felt important. I felt like I was special to her, for a while anyway, until I realized it wasn't me she liked, it's not that she disliked me, but she liked what she could get from me more.  Ok let me explain better, at the time, she was quite young so she had no smartphone at her disposal because her parents hadn't bought her one yet, she was still relatively young so whenever she would come to the house, she would run to me, shouting my name, making my insides as a human being feel so important, she would play with me for a bit and then she would ask for my phone and I...

You Have Overcome!

Hey there, how are you? Hope your day has been going beautifully? Welcome to June! Has it dawned on you that we've come to the sixth month of the year? Do you still recall the high hopes and plans you had at the beginning of the year? I know you had envisaged some challenges but by now, you believed you'd have surmounted them all. Well, that's why this piece is for you. Yes, you.  To remind you that you are an overcomer. Regardless of whatever you're passing through.  Did you know that there had been a prediction for this year? In fact, things are happening faster than was predicted.  Take a peek at the following predictions: Fuel scarcity (energy, fuel, power) -March  Food scarcity (agriculture & commerce affect) - May/June Job insecurities (inflation & economic triggers)  Governance tensions  Civil unrest. It had also been predicted our local currency would experience a plunge when compared to the dollar. Have I just added to your fears?...

And the hungry shall He fill...

  3, 2, 1. . . Blast off! Welcome to the sixth month of the year. Forgive my delay in reaching out. However, I trust you've been in good health. In 2 Kings 2, the story is told of sons of the prophets who stood afar off in their place of comfort. They were only eyewitnesses of what was transpiring between Elisha and Elijah. They were satisfied with watching Elisha move from Gilgal to Bethel to Jordan in a bid to receive from Elijah what he had in store. It's at this juncture, I'd ask,  "What is your level of hunger? Does your hunger only allow you to view from afar? Or are you willing to move?" The fourth beatitude has this: 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.' —Matthew 5:6.  In this dispensation that we are, we cannot afford to take our fellowship with God with levity. We must  not let theoretical talks hinder us from gaining what Heaven has in store for us. Recall that when there was water pollution (vs 19...