A Real Quest

Hey there. Hope your day has been going beautifully. How has the weather been at your end? Welcome to August! 😄 😁 I'll like to share some thoughts I've gleaned from Matt 20:29-34 . How determined are you in your quest for God? Are you oft dissuaded by the negative perspectives of the crowd? The 2 blind men in the titular passage had a genuine need for Christ's mercy, and nothing would stop them. Their importunity prompted Christ to stand still for them and grant them an audience. I'd like to parallel the naysaying multitude in that passage with present-day trends, opinions, and perspectives. These opinions may attempt to hinder you actively or passively from focusing your earnest pleas on Jesus. They are so designed to dilute your quest for God. They may come in different ways, but their singular purpose is to cause a deflection in your pursuit. Emulate the ways of the blind men. They knew that they could be cured only by t...